Visitor EXperience Technology

Increasing visitor satisfaction and improving services

Your Map

Visitors can see where they are, what they have seen, and where they are headed directly on your existing site plan.

Real Time Updates

Your  map is live, ever changing, and always up to date with exhibits, facilities, events, and even the location of docents.


Each exhibit can contain sponsorship in the app description – which can be updated – for increased revenue. 

Social Sharing

Visitors can take framed/branded photos as a keepsake as well as to share on their social media channels. 


Enhancing your Visitors Experience

VXTechnology enhances and augments the visitor experience to your venue. By utilizing an advanced proprietary algorithm, each visitor can see their location mapped directly onto your site plan. Visitors can see where they are, what they have seen, and where they are headed. The map contains dynamic points of interest which can include exhibits, facilities, events, lectures, and even the location of helpful docents. The map is live, ever changing, and always up to date.


Organization Benefits

Technology for Achieving Success

Visitor Engagement

Mobile app technology engages multiple demographic groups

Aggregate heat map

Aggregate “heat maps” can indicate popular locations, as well as locations that need attention.

App exhibit sponsorships

Each exhibit can contain sponsorship for increased revenue: “Generously sponsored by the Richmond Foundation”

Leverage Visitor’s Social Media Channels

Visitors can take framed/branded photos as a keepsake as well as to share on their social media channels

Targeted Visitor Marketing

Post-visit targeted marketing (for example, promote a “cactus sale” to those that have visited the cactus garden)

Live Messaging

Message all visitors within facility: “Wolf lecture begins in 10 minutes.”

Interactive Site Map

It’s all about the visitors. At a glance, visitors can:

   • See their location
   • See the location of their family
   • Message everyone in their group
   • Locate an exhibit
   • Learn more about exhibits and points of interest
   • Take a framed photo and share it
   • See their routes from prior visits
   • Make sure they didn’t miss anything!

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